
What is a Miracle and Where Do I Find One?

What is a Miracle and Where Do I Find One?

“Either everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle.” –Albert Einstein. 

What if we had a third option between blaming God because he didn't answer our prayer and blaming ourselves for not having "enough" faith? What if we could influence miracles appearing in our lives through our own hearts? 

Favor is Your Natural Habitat

Favor is Your Natural Habitat

I recceived a "ministry letter" recently which was from a well-known Christian leader who wrote that  he stopped to pray just for me. Of course this was a form letter that went out to thousands of people. God showed him that we were under attack by the devil, but God showed him the secret to me getting free. It said, “I felt that your finances, health and a loved one were being attacked by the devil.” (Well, that was hard to figure out!)

Some Miracles Come From Hope

Some Miracles Come From Hope

What if I could show you how to get miracles, answers and provision from God? Would you be interested? What if I could point you to a way of seeing answers to prayer without operating in control or forcing an outcome?  What if the mystery of God's interaction could awaken in your heart again instead of feeling like you have to abide by another formula?