Everything You Want is Found in The Extraordinary World of Abundance

We all have desires and dreams that are amazing and beautiful. Yet, we think there is a limitation in the world around us to fulfill that idea. Is that true? Or do we live in such an abundant universe that all things are possible?

In my latest book, Beyond Your Wildest Dreams: Access, Activate and Achieve Your Heart's Desires I wrote this...

In the early 1970’s, discovering diseases like cancer at an early stage was very difficult. Dr. Raymond Damadian, the “father of the MRI”, was doing experiments with nuclear magnetic resonance to differentiate certain bacteria. Soon he realized the technology could be used on the human body to detect diseases with a high degree of accuracy. Now millions of scans are done each year that save lives. 

All the elements of an MRI machine existed from the moment of creation. It wasn’t until our lifetime, though, that the knowledge and know-how existed. He didn’t create it from nothing. The possibility of its existence was always here, but our awareness of it eventually expanded to enable us to do things that were seemingly impossible before. 

Everything you need already exists. That means there is no such thing as lack. Lack is a mindset, a poverty heart belief and an illusion which is fostered by television, politicians, and bad theology. For dreams to come true we need to expand our heart awareness to see a universe filled with abundance. 

James said, “Every good and perfect (mature, full grown) gift (is coming) down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation nor shadow of turning.” (James 1:17)

There is an unending supply of God’s intrinsic goodness coming to us as gifts of grace from which God is unrelenting and unyieldingly determined for us to experience. Close your eyes for a moment and just imagine the multitude of gifts that are racing toward you from every direction. There are, right now, a limitless amount of possibilities, opportunities and ways to answer your every need. You are a part of a yes and amen Gospel in which all the promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. He says yes! His supply is constant! He is unrelenting and unyielding in providing! 

The only lack is our own awareness. Once you start to believe in an abundant universe you will start to look at the glass, not as half empty, nor even as half full. You will see it full of water and air…completely full! Sometimes we are like the elder brother in the story of the prodigal son; we live in the Father’s house of abundance, everything He has is ours, but we experience the limitations of the imaginary house that our beliefs have built.

“You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 1:3). Because Christ is the Blessed One and you are in Christ, then every empowering blessing and favor is already yours. You can’t get any more favor than you have right now. We, like Christ in His earthly ministry, can grow up into the favor we already possess. In fact, the whole universe is chocked full of God’s glorious, good yes and amen presence. Ephesians 4:6, “… one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all.”

Ephesians 4:10, “And the same One who descended is the One who ascended higher than all the heavens so that He might fill the entire universe with Himself” (NLT). There is no place God is not. All creation is within him. Imagine if you will, a giant bowl of water. Inside that bowl of water are marbles and sponges. God is both the bowl and the water, and everything in creation is saturated and within Him. All that God is, is in all places at the same time. Abundance should be the vision of our hearts all the time. The very instant of asking in Singapore creates an instantaneous answer in New York because God is above all, through all and in all!

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