When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth, and tell the whole world "No, You Move." - Steve Rogers- Captain America
Spiritual Myth-Busters: Sid Roth and The Great Falling Away?
Spiritual Myth-Busters: Eyes too Pure to Look Upon Evil?
Many of us have heard it quoted through the years... sin is so serious and God is so holy that his eyes are to pure to even look upon evil! Usually on the heels is the inevitable guilt trip where we are called to come to the altar and "get right" because... basically God can't stand the sight of you. That is the message that some people have internalized.
Only A Few Will Be Saved?
Want a shocking perspective?!! Did Jesus lie when he said that the gospel was only for a very few? Or is there more to the story? Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are FEW who find it.”
Fairy-tales and Facts about Forgiveness
A legend is a story that has some historical truth in it but has probably grown bigger than life. You know what a fairy tale is right? A fairy tale is a story with fairies. A fairy tale is a fantasy story filled with mythical creatures with a moral to the story, but it is outright fiction.
I want to tell you about a God who is not a fairy tale. One whose story seems too good to be true… he calls it good news. Gospel. It is not a fairy tale. It has been minimized instead of growing bigger than life that's why I’m telling you it's no fairy tale what God did in the gospel! BUT a lot of the things we believe about forgiveness and the gospel are closer to fairy tales than they are to fact. So let’s look at some of those:
Get Free of Internal Drama!
We are “experts” at sizing up everything that happens to us by interpreting it according to our past experiences and "inerrant" lens. But the meaning that we give to each situation that happens to us can either neutralize drama or light a fire to it. Some of those “interpretations” of life simply aren't true:
Spiritual Myth-Busters: Separation from God?
Who is separated from Christ? Sinners right? Well… come with me and explore one of the most important paradigm shifts ever. As you read, suspend judgment until you allow the Holy Spirit to massage your heart. The difference is between religion and life. The change of mind you will get is called repentance.
The Binding of Satan
Spiritual Myth-Busters: GOD HATES DIVORCE?
Joan was 19 when she married Sam who was 22. A couple years later, Joan and Sam attended an evangelistic service and both responded to the gospel and were baptized. Both of them grew as Christians and eventually Sam became the worship leader at his local church. Their church taught that Christians should never divorce but said the exception was abandonment or adultery.
Favor is Your Natural Habitat
I recceived a "ministry letter" recently which was from a well-known Christian leader who wrote that he stopped to pray just for me. Of course this was a form letter that went out to thousands of people. God showed him that we were under attack by the devil, but God showed him the secret to me getting free. It said, “I felt that your finances, health and a loved one were being attacked by the devil.” (Well, that was hard to figure out!)
How Does ISIS Fit in God's Plans?
A recent article (February 16, 2015) by CNN by Peter Bergen, CNN Security Analyst was called Why Does ISIS Keep Making Enemies. It is the question that many people are asking. Why far-reaching offenses toward even their closest allies like al Qaeda?
The answer, according to Bergen, is simple. It is an attempt to draw the whole world into their end time apocalypse. He writes,
Spiritual Myth-Busters: As a Thief in the Night?
As the TV show Mythbusters does, I want to explore and test the proposition that believers in Jesus Christ should expect him to come like a thief in the night. Is that really true? We are told to expect him at any moment, to watch and pray, and to be ready! Does the Bible really teach that to us, in our generation? Are we supposed to "stay on our toes" in anticipation of a secret sudden rapture?
Spiritual Myth-Busters: Is God Separating the Wheat and the Tares?
Judgement day is near. The end of the world will come soon. Tribulation will be in full swing. Harvesting angels will bring in the "last days" harvest of souls before its too late. Even now it is happening as the wheat and tares are easily discernible. ISIS, radical Islam and a back-slidden culture are sure signs we are near the end. Right?
Ageless Truth: Is This The End of the World?
Romans 11:36 –
All things came from Him, and exist through Him, and are returning to
Him; to Him is the glory through all the Ages.
When I was quite a new Christian (in my late teens and early 20’s) I noticed something which seemed to come up quite often, when the preacher or other people in a small group were using a different translation of the Bible than I was - it was one word. Just one word which was different - but it got me curious, and over and over again over the next couple of decades it seemed to come up ore and more. So eventually, I decided to investigate it. I have been reading about it and studying it seriously, on and off, for about 15 years now.
Need Direction? Follow Your Bliss!
Why "It is Finished" was Finished in AD 70
What REALLY Grieves the Holy Spirit?
Turn or Burn? What is Repentance?
Help For Tired Christians
Trying to do the right things but can’t keep up with the list? Feeling disconnected with God because you haven’t read your Bible lately and prayer is dry? Getting offended because of all the work you do in church or “for God” but things still aren’t going great…in fact life kinda stinks? Are you almost tired of being a Christian but you have enough fear of God that you can’t just walk away?